Types of Cloth: A Starting Point

Flexible Styles

Every family has different wants and needs in their diapers.  Choosing the right style and price point is part of the cloth diaper journey.  You may love the fit and performance of a diaper that your friends hated.

Choosing Your

Cloth Diapers

In the Pumpkin Vines House we prefered covers with FST for home and Pockets with inserts or FST for out.  Every family is different. Choose what is best for your lifestyle!

Type of Cloth


Covers do not have a stay dry lining or any built in absorbancy. Covers can be used over a cloth diaper or diaper insert. Diaper covers are commonly made from polyurathane laminate, wool, fleece or nylon. Wool & Fleece covers are commonly called 'soakers.'

The "Plastic Pants" used in the 60's-80's are a type of pull on vinyl called PEVA (polyethylene vinyl acetate) Gerber still makes them today.

Covers can be pull-on, have snap, or hook & loop tape.


Pockets (or Sleeve) Diapers have a stay dry lining or but no built in absorbancy. Pockets can be used over a cloth diaper or with a diaper insert that is placed inside of a pocket or sleeve.

The Outer layer of a Pocket Daper is commonly made from polyurathane laminate (PUL/TPU) or nylon (Ultrex) or PEVA.

The inside of the diaper (the pocket or sleeve) is lined with a stay dry fabric: suede cloth, fleece, microfleece , athletic wicking fabric are a few examples.

Pocket diapers can have snap or hook & loop tape closures


Hybrid or All in Two systems have a cloth outer shell (or diaper cover) and have inserts. Hybrid inserts are usually disposable while AI2 inserts are usually washable, but these terms are used interchanably and care should be made when making a purchase to be sure that you are getting what you expect.

Inserts often snap into place but can also be tucked. AI2 or Hybrid diapers can have snap or hook & loop tape closures


Hybrid or All in Two systems have a cloth outer shell (or diaper cover) and have inserts. Hybrid inserts are usually disposable while AI2 inserts are usually washable, but these terms are used interchanably and care should be made when making a purchase to be sure that you are getting what you expect.

Inserts often snap into place but can also be tucked. AI2 or Hybrid diapers can have snap or hook & loop tape closures


All in One Diapers have built in absorbancy with a stay dry outershell. They are most similar to disposables. A booster can be added to an AIO to add absorbancy for heavy wetters. AIO diapers can have snap or hook & loop tape closures


"Sposies" are made with Sodium Polyacrylate (SAP)

SAP is used in virtually all disposable diaper brands. Brands that replace SAP with plant based starches and cotton exist be are hard to find.

Most disposable diapers use either an adhesive tape or a modified hook & loop closure. 


Flats are commonly made of cotton, bamboo, hemp or some mixture of the natural fibers. They are a large single layer piece of fabric.
FSTs are commonly made of 100% cotton. They are a large single layer piece of fabric, sold as a kitchen towel or rag.
Flats & Flur sack towels can be folded around a baby or into a pad to provide absorbany. Flat/FSTs need to be covered by a cover or placed in a pocket/sleeve to keep clothes and bedding dry.
Prefolds can be made of cotton, bamboo, hemp or some combination of manmade and natural fibers.
A prefold is a square of multi layer fabric that can be wrapped around a baby or be folded into a pad. Each prefold has 3 distinct areas of absorbancy. The outer "columns" are commonly 2 layers and the third center column is multiple layers forming a center pad. Prefolds can be made with and without a stay dry layer. Prefolds need to be covered by a cover or placed in a pocket/sleeve to keep clothes and bedding dry. 


Inserts are multi layer pads that can be hour glass shaped or rectangular. They can be a range of sizes; small enough to fit in Newborn Covers or Pockets or larger to be used in One-Size or Large Covers or Pockets.

Inserts are commonly made of cotton, hemp, bamboo, microfiber or some combination of natural and manmade fabrics.
Inserts can have a stay dry layer in the design for use in covers or AI2 systems.


A contour is a fabric diaper that does not have any elastic but is sewn in the shape of a diaper. Contours usually do not have built in closures. Contours need to be covered by a diaper cover.
A 'fitted' is a fabric diaper that does have leg and usually back elastic sewn in the shape of a diaper. Fitted diapers can have snap, hook and loop or can be closed using diaper pins. Fitteds need to be covered by a diaper cover.  

No one wants to be doing laundry constantly, but washing your cloth diapers at home does have some advantages.
Things to consider: You need to do laundry even if you don’t use cloth diapers.
We have had to add 2 “Quick Wash” cycles to our normal number of loads per week because of our cloth diapers.
Our wash routine starts with a 30 minute cycle to remove the urine and fecal matter from the diapers. We then add in other small items: children’s clothes, undies, tank tops, socks, wash cloths. These items bulk up the load to make sure that our HE front load washer has enough in it to properly agitate the clothing for the best results. We don’t add items like sheets and towels to try to “trick” the machine. Large items wrap around the diapers and do not allow for proper agitation. HE Washers work because items rub against other items.

I don’t want to spend all of my money on water & electricity!
Using my town as an example. We pay 5.18 cents per kWh for all kw-hrs per month for electricity.
For water we pay: Summer $12.02 per 100 cubic feet & Winter $3.45 per 100 cubic feet.
Sewer Rate: $7.06 per 100 cubic feet of metered water usage.
Did you know 748 gallons in one hundred (100) cubic feet? (Washers scoring poor in water efficiency used about 26 gallons or more. )
So the water cost for a load of laundry costs about the same as 2 disposable diapers (but you are washing 15-20).

There are a range of different schools of thought on how to care for cloth diapers. Everyone will have a different routine that is best.
You need should consult someone in your area who has successfully used cloth at different stages to help you create a wash routine.

Different towns and areas have different water hardness and minerals that impact washing. Well water, town water and spring water will all impact effective detergents and wash routines. Making your own detergent is never suggested.
Find a mainstream detergent that you are comfortable with.
Diapers are very dirty laundry and should be treated as such.  

Diaper Addict